agan punya blog kaya ane? Software satu ini pasti berguna buat agan. Batch Photo Watermarker v3.5.1. Seperti namanya software dapat memberikan A graphic watermark in your photos, Dengan Software satu ini agan bisa menambahkan logo agan k suatu poto sebelum agan share di blog agan, dengan cara mudah dan cepat.

Batch Photo Watermarker v3.5.1 | 6 Mb
Protect your rights by watermarking all your images. Publish photos on the Internet without worrying about breach of copyright.
Add your web address to multiple photos before publishing them on the Web. It can increase the popularity of your website. Even if your photos are published somewhere, they will bear your website address.
Add a logo to all your photos in order to make them more popular.
Add a text comment to each photo in your photo album in order to make viewing your digital album more interesting.
Add dates to multiple photos to remember the time when they were taken.
Download :
Size : 6 MB
Password : www.mediafire.asia
Download Gratis Batch Photo Watermarker v3.5.1 Full Version
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